12 April

Recovery Journal: Report From The In Between Zone, I’m On A Trip. Come Along To Dreamland.

by m2admin

Come on a trip with me. This is the first time I’ve blogged from my I-Phone.

It’s surreal and dreamy as I wait for the nerve block to fade and the fog to lift. I prefer the computer but this is kind of awesome, Maria showed me how to do it.

She is Maria Nightingale today.

Wow, the IV anesthesia has some kick. I haven’t been tripping like this since I lived in an apartment in Greenwich Village. My left foot hangs like a wet log and is not receiving my messages.

Next up, figuring out how to get to the bathroom. A helpful nurse suggested I crawl backwards on my butt. I’m still working on that one. She helped get my surgical boot on, she was very nice, I wonder if she was pulling my leg- heh- heh.

I’m not asleep and I’m not awake, I can’t walk or stand by myself, my head is spinning and the world is turning upside down. Or is it me turning upside down? It is kind of cool to blog in this new way. There is some progress, I think my surviving toes are trying to communicate with me.

They are wondering where their leader is. Time to close my eyes and dream.

Putting On My Boots


  1. I shudder looking at the picture. I hope your foot will remain asleep for a bit so that you will as well. Enjoy the tripping. And, uhm, if the bathroom trips don’t work, there are always doggie training pads? Or, dare I write this: adult diapers…? 🙂

  2. Did they give you your amputated toe in a jar? You could put it under your pillow for the ‘toe fairy.’

  3. I’ve been waiting all day to see how your operation went. I am reflecting on the positive and creative ways that you and Maria have chosen to view this experience. It is profound — a gift, not just to you and Maria, but to all of us.

  4. I had surgery for my broken wrist (I had an exterior fixator installed) a couple of weeks ago and used a bedpan while in the recovery room for the first time in my life. Maybe a bedpan would work for you also for the first days? Just a suggestion. Keep up with your pain meds; it’s harder to heal while in deep pain. I used Tylenol and ibuprofen too, since I hate the constipation which comes along with opiates. I hope you heal quickly.

  5. You’re obviously feeling better than any of us expected. Really surprised that you’re even awake. Love & best wishes.

  6. I always found my various procedures and oddity. Drs got to keep my body parts AND cause me pain – and I had to pay THEM. Always seemed like they should pay me!

    Remember, every hand that touches you is a healing hand!! Dog love!!! The best kind of pure love!

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