12 April

Back Home And Laid Up

by m2admin

The surgery was at 8:30, and I was back home at 11:30, I am forbidden to out any pressure on the foot until tomorrow, confined and threatened with death if I try to get up and walk.

I got permission to blog on my IPhone. My leg is numbed I can’t feel it. I was told the surgery went very well. I’ m groggy and a bit disoriented but I will be at my desk in a day or so.

The truth is, I couldn’t walk today if I wanted to. I will follow orders and rest. I have managed to take a few pictures inside.

We are both glad this is over, if I take the recovery seriously I’ll be out walking in a few weeks or sooner.

Maria, who has been amazing made me a great lunch of crab salad and quinoa and cheese. Got ton to sleep a bit I’m still drugged an dopier than usual. I’m declining the opioid pain killer, sticking with Ibuprofen and Tylenol.

They say the pain is wicked when the nerve bloc wears off. It’s weird , my toe is gone. But I’m not taking any Hydrocone. More later.



  1. Missing limb syndrome.

    Your toe will still feel like it’s still attached.

    Hope the pain isn’t too bad.

  2. When I broke my ankle, I used an office chair with wheels to get around. May be useful for getting to the bathroom..

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