6 April

New Glasses. Trying To Look Writerly. I Like Them.

by Jon Katz

One of the health issues I’m taking on right now is my eyesight, which is 20/20, with glasses but getting more sensitive to bright LED lights and bright sunlight. That is a problem when I write as the sun pours in from the front window.

I saw a doctor the other day, and he wrote a new prescription with tinted lenses, which will help significantly with the computer and somewhat with the car headlights.

I’ll need cataract surgery one day – probably years away – but we aren’t there yet. I tried these new glasses today; they will be ready in two weeks. My eye problem will be resolved, at least for now. I admit to being vain about my glasses; I like to look writerly, which means round lenses with a gold or black rim. I won’t make it to Hollywood, but I’m happy with these. Maria approves.

This is yet another step towards bundling all my health issues together and preparing to move on to normalcy, at least for a while.


  1. Great choice in the frame for your new glasses, though I liked your current pair. I prefer the roundish look in my reading glasses, too, always liking the scholarly look of them – mine are tortoise shell. 😊

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