29 March

One Man’s Truth: Fighting For Rainbowland. One Thousand Words About The Next Revolution. It’s Not The One They Think Is coming

by Jon Katz

I’ll make this sweet and to the point. I love politics too much to never write about it, but I also now dislike politics too much to write about it very often or at any length. I need to keep politics far from my blog and my head.

But there is another voice in my head: be you.

But I can be helpful. I can give you the headlines as I see them, and you can go ahead with your life if you choose.

It’s your choice. I think this is all you need to know for now:

First, Donald Trump will never again be elected President of the United States.

Every sane head in or near politics knows this, admits it privately, and tries to slide around, survive, or rejoice in it. Just like his old one, Trump’s new campaign is the greatest gift the Democratic Party could ever dream of.

I doubt he will be intact at the end of next year. The wolves are howling around him, and he is already coming apart at the seams, casting himself – accurately for once – as  Demento.

Crazed Superheroes don’t make for good national leaders; they are bad at compromise and negotiating.

He’s become our new Darth Vader and hasn’t even been indicted yet.

This is not a good plan for winning a national presidential election in 2024 or any other year.

His single clear victory so far is eating Ron DeSantis alive and spitting out the seeds.DeSantis is not nearly tough enough to avoid being eaten.

Nobody warned the governor that it would be like this, and since he only watches Fox News, how would he know?

Secondly, Ron DeSantis will not be the Republican Presidential Nominee. On top of everything else, he can’t handle Trump, the nation’s best bully.

His grand national book tour is a quadrennial cliche wherein politicians go across all the primary states and introduce themselves to the people while lying about their true intentions.

It’s good practice for the future.

DeSantis is not up to it. His tour is a bomb. His book is as dull as he is.

He has no communication skills and dislikes talking to people in unscripted environments.

Nobody likes him, especially people who say they want him; Republicans who thought he was the way around Trump are panicking and holding onto their money. DeSantis is as spontaneous as a marble stone. When asked  by Piers where he was on 911, he said… “well, gee, all of a sudden, wow!”

Florida is in chaos, struggling to comprehend his effort to ban any discussion of modern America that scares angry white men, young and old, and banning writers like Jodi Picoult and Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison or any book that mentions slavery, race, gays, trans people, sex, rape or anyone deemed “woke” by our new IlDuce wannabe.

The problem for DeSantis is that Mussolini shot his opponents right away; De Santis is way too weak to take the heat or finish the job. Like Trump, he’s only pretending these anti-freedom things he’s doing are his absolute values; they don’t teach book banning at Harvard or Yale. People who want to do that go elsewhere.

As Trump learned, there are still limits to how often you can lie about who you are.

Who will the Republican nominee be? I don’t know.

But there are plenty of candidates  – Chris Christie comes to mind – who could take Trump on and beat him up pretty good. Politicians are the turkey vultures of the culture – they are always waiting to pounce, and Trump is a nuclear-grade catastrophe.

This week, Christie got off the best line of anybody; he said to understand Trump, you have to see him as Dracula and drive a stake through his heart to kill him. Christie is volunteering. He’s mean enough.  There will be others. I can hear the knives being sharpened up on our little farm.

As screwed up as it seems and is, politics is politics. They dump Trump like a bag of manure when he stumbles or falls. I don’t know of any public figure facing four federal indictments at once who survived to laugh about it.

The hardcore Trumpists will get screwed once more for their loyalty, as they have been for generations by exploitive politicians. That is why there is such a thing as a Trump.

The Party of Hate doesn’t set the right tone for a troubled nation, adrift and yearning for you and fresh leadership. I guess the Republican Party can’t help it. After all, it is Marjorie Taylor-Greene’s party, who so bravely warned us about the Jewish lasers striking the earth from space. I wonder how she feels about drinking bleach.

I’m sorry H.L. Mencken was not alive to see almost all his prophecies about democracy come true. It isn’t pretty to watch. But it’s still better than anything else.

Trump and his followers (and DeSantis) believe they are making a revolution.

I agree, but the revolution they are making is not the one they think they are making.

Across the spectrum of an increasingly diverse country, black people and women and gay people and left people and undecided people and educated people and trans people and young people and compassionate people and progressive people and poor people are getting ticked off.

Women will never go back to the old days. Abortion is a huge issue for them. It might not be easy, and it might not be pretty. But women are not going back.

Neither will African-Americans. Neither will the children of refugees. Neither will the millions of gay people who are finally free. Trump and Ron DeSantis are on the wrong side of history. They haven’t got a chance.

We owe the country a lot.

There are many ways to fight a civil war without guns, as the Israeli Freedom Fighters are demonstrating. People worldwide are rebelling against Trumps and Putin, the generals in Myanmar, and the despots and wannabe dictators who seem a part of our bad genes.

But it seems that people who love freedom are waking up worldwide. We are coming to understand what life without it would be like. They would ban and burn every book we love.

The Republicans are a tragedy. It is a sad thing to see for our country.

These ridiculous and contrived culture wars are not a good way to win an election, aside from any ideas of decency.

They are just enraging tens of millions of voters, planting the seeds for a movement. They make Joe Biden look like Mother Teresa. How curious that a political party has become addicted to defeat when victory could be well within their grasp. We’ll.

Maybe they’ll find a messiah to lead them out of the darkness.

Trump is a sick man. Ron DeSantis has his head stuck up his ass. They have one thing in common. They are both doomed to be losers.

You’re supposed to win people over, not alienate everyone who isn’t wearing a MAGA Cap. That’s the Holy Grail of politics.

The last three elections have shown us that.

If you’re into stats, that’s more than three-quarters of the country. The freedom haters only get worse. Even lifelong conservatives cannot support them.

I think, for now, that’s really all anyone needs to know and all I can bear to write.

The rest is all kinds of bullshit to keep the people hooked and distracted, the corporate media machine rich, and the politicians powerful.

I’m not playing that game and will opt out of this next act. For the next few months, nothing you read or hear matters unless Donald Trump is finally called to account for his lies, cruelty, and treasonous plots.

The people reading this will have to decide how willing they are to be suckered into getting traumatized by this.

At the end of everything I write, I often think of Porky Pig signing off at the end of every one of his Loony Tunes cartoons. So I’ll sign off that way:

Th-Th-The, Th-Th-The, Th-Th… That’s all, folks!”


P.S. Here’s how ridiculous the culture wars have become, apart from the many thousands of books being pulled from school libraries nationwide by the weak-minded and idiotic.:

Today, Cyrus and Dolly Parton’s extremely gentle song “Rainbowland” was banned from a Wisconsin school class concert. The school district removed the piece because its lyrics “could be deemed controversial” per a school board policy—Not nearly as volatile as banning Dolly Parton friends.

Ron DeSantis is the Godfather of this insane and awful movement. He owns it now, he will face the political consequences.

Here is one small chunk of rainbow \land, believed to be what was too offensive for children to hear:

Livin’ in a rainbow land
Where you and I go hand in hand
Oh, I’d be lyin’ (I’d be lyin’)
If I said this was fine (This is not fine)
All the hurt and the hate going on here (It needs to stop here)
We are rainbows, me and you
Every color, every hue
Let’s shine through 
Together, we can
Start livin’ in a rainbowland

The angry old and young white men are scared to death.



  1. I cannot imagine the push back you will get from this post, but I am sure it will clean up your list. Thank you for writing from the gut. These two miserable creatures deserve each other but America sure does not. The pendulum may be swinging but not enough in our lifetimes so I will just peck away at it one bit at a time. Vote! Thanks for taking a big swing.
    Have a beautiful sunny day.

    1. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, Diane, I just don’t pay attention to rage and anger here…Truth is, I hardly got any bad feedback..

  2. I hope you are right about Trump, Jon and about civil wars without guns. A lot of people had to flee Myanmar for their lives. It is hard to imagine a country that is Buddhist engaging in genocide, but it happened in Cambodia too. I am not sure what makes a peaceful person into a murderer. To be honest I am dreading next year. After the 2020 election I sighed with relief but it’s as if that year turned into prolonged agony.

  3. Hello Jon. I’ve been reading you for years and years. I must admit that one of the few times I disagreed with you it was a few years ago when you blogged about politics. It was right after the 2016 election. I am happy to say you’re latest political post was on the money. You’re very good at political commentary. I’m happy to be back here, thank you for sharing your days with us 💙✨🙏🏼

  4. Sad to see so much history and culture being eliminated in our country of freedom 😢 What happened to people becoming educated and deciding for themselves what they want to hear, see, read…..?
    Love the Dolly Parton song! I just don’t get what scares these people so much!
    Thank you!

    1. I don’t think it is the people pushing this who are scared, but they think the people they are pushing it *to* are scared or they are trying to scare them.

  5. I’m not an expert on politics, but you post is right on. I will be so happy when they bring Donald Trump down. He is such a trouble maker. And I love the rainbow song.

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