28 March

Update: My Very Successful Delete And Block Software. You Won’t Believe The Numbers.

by Jon Katz

Two weeks ago, I had my Web designers design and install software that enables me to delete and block offensive, rude, or hateful messages, a sad and ugly twist in the evolution of social media. This problem seems only to get worse. I  decided I didn’t want hate anywhere on my blog or in my head.

Suffering is a choice.

I just cut and paste and click, and they vanish into the ether, never to return. This was more successful than I imagined and in different ways. And a very healthy thing for me to do.

I deleted and blocked two people in the first two days and none since. TWO!

These broken and angry people seem to be on a secret network that communicates the one thing they hate more than anything – being ignored. They must all talk to one another in some way; how else could they all disappear at the same time?

The real culprit is probably me; at the very least, I am a co-conspirator. I fueled the anger by giving it life and audience, often responding in kind. The Bible is underrated. We get what we offer; we receive what we put out there. Nobody in this thriving universe of hatred wants to be cruel to somebody who isn’t paying attention or giving them any.

Attention is their oxygen. I guess it was mine, also.

I can’t just blame other people for my troubles. The haters were sniffing me like hound dogs and baying at my heels. They are gone, hunting new game, I suspect.

Even the vigilant Social Media Correctors Union seemed to have melted away. Some days, it almost feels lonely. But not for long.

For years, my readers pleaded with me to ignore the haters, but I think there was too much hate in me to do that then. Between age and spiritual work, that is changing, and they are going away along with the seething resentments in me.

Hate draws the hate; love draws the love. Good spreads good.

It might just be as simple as that. Big lessons to be learned there. I’m keeping the software ready.

I’ll keep working on myself.


  1. Powerful meditation today. Getting older allows us to make peace with our neighbor, ourselves and God. When I read the Psalms I ask myself why has it taken me so long to understand. Blessings and peace to you.

  2. I don’t remember where I read this, but it said that when you fight something, it fights back. I think it just means energy meets energy. Once I decided to intentionally curate the energy that I emit and absorb, that’s when my life became way more enjoyable and I had more energy for the good things.

  3. Good for you! Life is too short to feel bad because you’ve been exposed to contagious negativity. We often give ourselves more than enough reasons to feel bad, we don’t need help.

  4. Took me 88 years to realize hate is not worth the effort. Wastes what little time I likely have left.
    Instead I try to find something good or worthwhile about everyone. Can be difficult sometimes, yet it often surprises me to discover there actually is a bit of blue behind the blackest of storm clouds.

  5. You do so much ‘good’ out there, I’m sorry there are ugly trolls out there that you have to contend with. But I love your attitude and the way you are doing it 🙂 Yes- what we put out in the universe responds in kind.

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