I love this fallen farmhouse, one of many that dot the rural landscape. They always touch my heart. This one looks like a farm ghost; I can almost hear the haunting. In the mist and fog, it looked even more poignant and haunted. But it is jammed with atmosphere and feeling.
Farms are tough places, and riding around the country as I do, I get a sense of how many just didn’t make it and were left behind to die in their own way.
LOVE OLD FARMS, and that old barn red color painted on lots of them. I try to always picture a ” Little House on the Prairie” vibe.
I also live in Upstate NY and, for years, I have enjoyed photographing old barns with silos. The silos are all so different in their construction from a really old wooden 6-sided one to those made with tile or concrete blocks with restraining cables on the outside. I also love the old barns that have rough stone (obviously dug up from the property) as their foundation.