22 March

Sorry To Ask: Seeking Blog Support, I’m Two Months Late

by Jon Katz

I won’t dance around.

This post is about supporting my blog. I ask for that occasionally because the blog can’t exist without it.

As the un-elected titular head of the Army Of Good, I can tell you that we have never done more good for less money in our seven-year bug glorious history. We have adapted to the times and found new ways to commit our small acts of great kindness.

I’ve done the same thing with bedlamfarm.com.

But this message isn’t about the AOG; it’s about my blog and my request for blog support. I intend to seek blog support every month but haven’t brought it up for several months. I still find this hard to do, but I need to get over that.

But it’s time, I think. I need to be paid for my work, of course. The blog supports me, the farm, the animals, my photography, the blog itself, the flowers, and everything else I do that is hope is meaningful to people or useful. I’m asking you to support it if it has meaning.

I no longer receive those royalty or book payment checks; I live off the donations I receive for my work here and from Social Security.

I have no complaints; this is the life Maria and I choose and the life we love. But it does need support to remain viable and up-to-date. We all know some rocky times are ahead of us; I want the blog to be a safe, honest, and uplifting place.

I can’t deny that your rising prices are also being felt here and in my life. I’ve done a lot of scaling back but protected the soul of a blog, which I love dearly. This is my living memoir, my great work.

The blog is free and will always be free, but my life here is not free, nor is the blog’s maintenance itself. A blog like this is expensive. I will never ask people to have to pay to read it. This isn’t substack and won’t be.

The new trend is for platforms like substack to charge for content. I like to be paid for my work, but not that way. The content needs to be free.

Money is a looming beast these days. It hurts to ask for it; it hurts to send it. My life is not about money.

A straightforward way to contribute to the blog is via Paypal, [email protected]; another is Venmo, Jon–Katz@Jon-Katz – 13. You can also send a check to Jon Katz, Blog Support, P.O.205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

If my work has any meaning to you or brings any pleasure or thought,  from the flowers to the Army of Good or the safe Pocket of Joy I’m trying hard to build here – I think we will need it – please consider supporting it in any amount that is comfortable for you.

If no amount is comfortable for you, you are just as welcome to come here every day as anyone else and follow my life and the people who are a part of it.

I am on a journey, as many of you know. I have shared it for years; I will share it to the end. I’m just getting started in many ways.

If the blog makes you think, listen, cry, or fume, please support it; I need support to keep it going. And I work on improving it all the time. I’m proud of the blog, but I’m not done re-imagining it. The free e-mail subscriptions are free to you but not to me.

I work very hard on my blog just about every day. I’m at ease asking for support.

Over the next few weeks, I will be up to my neck in various medical situations, tests, and procedures, all manageable and which will do me good. But after my foot surgery, I won’t be able to go out and walk for a few weeks. We will also figure out why I’ve been prone to various one-day illnesses since Covid struck.

During this period, I can do almost everything I do from home and my computer, including photography. I will write on the blog every day, except perhaps the day of the surgery. The blog will not suffer in any way.

If it comes down to it, I can get into a car and drive around taking photos. And my 2023 flower seeds and bulbs are on the way. I know many of you love my flower sharing. Please contribute to keeping that going. Nothing will keep me from writing, learning, and growing.

Nothing will keep me from sharing my life honestly on the blog. You are invited to come along on this trip.

The blog is the center of it all.

There are several ways to contribute to the blog. One-time payments are straightforward and help a great deal, no matter how small the amount. Considerable amounts help also.

You can send one-time donations or sign up for a paid subscription (remember, the blog is free whether you do or not). You can do this using credit cards or on Paypal and Venmo.

You can support my blog right here. And thanks.


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