22 March

Life Is About Choices. I’m Making Mine. There Is No Such Thing As Failure In A True Spiritual Journey

by Jon Katz

There is no such thing as failure in my spiritual journey. Life is all about choices, and I’ve made bad ones and good ones; I feel I am finally making the right ones for me.

Despite the masses of humans choosing a life based on money and security, the spiritual prophet wins the day, touching one heart, one child, and one needy soul daily. Jesus did that and asked his followers on the mount, but few of our leaders chose to do that.

My choice is to try and do it.

I knew some time ago that if I did not make the journey, I would never see the beauty of discovering the joy and meaning beyond the greed, outside the violence and anger, beyond the sinkhole of greed, argument, the coldness of the heart, and the smallness of soul.

Better, I thought to fail than to have missed the freedom of heart that comes from speaking the truth to those who lie to smother it and heeding the call to do good in my small ways. My wish is to leave the world in a little better shape than I found it.

I choose to follow the prophet’s path and discover what it means to live driven by the soft wind of the spirit and of hope in order to finish the work that so many good people have begun.


  1. One has to be honest to judge this: weigh how have you improved life on earth?
    How have you been morally good?


    How have you made it worse? How have you been morally evil? Don’t forget that being narcissistic (including thin skinned, prejudging, exaggerating), sadistic, machiavellian, or impulsive behavior over the long haul (trying to repair too late) has hurt others.

    1. Interesting questions Galsworthy; I have no answers, especially now. And if I had any, this isn’t the place to reveal them. But they are important questions for people who are aging, I think.

  2. I cannot find words to express the enormity of what your sharing of your growth and your journey has meant to me, Jon. You really are an inspiration to me and I thank you for that a million times over. It is a continuing process for us all
    Susan M

  3. I enjoy 95+% of what you write. I appreciate & respect your Army of Good & all that you do to enhance the lives of the students & the Mansion residents. I so look forward to your daily emails. I will make a small contribution to the blog. I try to each time you ask. My wife & I paint rental houses & live from job to job. We are fortunate to stay as busy as we do but are by no means anywhere near wealthy.
    Hug the wife & dogs for me. I love seeing & hearing about them all.
    BTW, it was 74° in Birmingham today. Spring is really in bloom here.

    1. Thanks, Steve, lovely note. Remember, I don’t need to be agreed with, the point is that we both like to think about things..

  4. Jon, reading about your evolution as a person has shown me that I don’t have to do anything grand, or huge, but that it’s the little, consistent things that add up to a life well-lived. I believe it’s the act locally and believe globally philosophy; what I do for one affects all. You have shown us this by your example. Thank you.

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