15 March

A Chiling Night: Power Back On, Blog Back Up. What a Difference A Day Makes. No Sleep For Two Nights

by Jon Katz

What a difference a day makes. The worst snowstorm  I can recall finally ended this afternoon when my beloved blue sky returned. Our power, which was off for much of yesterday, went off again at 7:30 and stayed until 4 p.m. The blog was down all that time; the cable was also down. This was a snowstorm on steroids; it kept coming with ice and heavy wet snow, and howling winds.

Trees came down all over town, and it’s taking the electric company workers several days to regain power. Some people still don’t have any. Our generator turned out to be a great move.

I have no appetite for dwelling on this storm, a lot of people in the country had it as bad or worse, but it was as bad as I can remember.

The wind was pouring through the upstairs windows. We love our old farmhouse, but we will get some more insulation.

Our hero was our generator, which held up all day, and powered lights, refrigeration, and water, hot and cold. The water pump to the barn was also powered. We could not have asked for more. This morning,

I got to take a shower. This afternoon, I got to drive to the bookstore.

The wind was battering us all night, and I saw the evidence in the morning when I looked out the bedroom window and saw evidence of snow blowing all night on our dinner bell and old kitchen chimney. At 8 a.m., it looked like the Antarctic here, by 5 p.m., it looked like Spring. It’s supposed to be 50 degrees here tomorrow; Mother Nature is nothing if not schizophrenic.



I stopped to photograph this lonely pine sitting in the middle of a farmer’s field.

Our generator was a hero. I won’t be caught without one again. We’ll cover it and keep it outside for a day or so. Maria runs it, she was trying to teach me how. I wish her luck with that.


Beef cows look great against fresh snow, I know where they live.

Coming back to life. The sheep seemed happy to get out into the air and some sun. They’ve been holed up in the pole barn for days.



You have to love a bookstore that stays open during one of the heaviest winter storms in years. I went to Battenkill Books to pick up the new mystery by Donna Leon, who writes beautifully about Venice. We are so lucky to have Battenkill Books in our town.



  1. nice to see your post today with (as always) beautiful photos. Was concerned at no early post from you today…….but figured you were dealing with aftermath of your storm. Glad all is well….. and you are back up and running!
    Susan M

    1. Thanks, Susan, there will often be no early posts – weather, tech troubles, web problems doctors appts, etc…its not a crisis or emergency, it’s just life..

  2. I have a question about your generator. Does it have a pull starter? Or some other method of starting? I no longer have the physical strength to pull start something, but I’m toying with the idea of getting a generator. The automatic ones are awfully expensive, so a portable one would make much more sense.

    1. I’m not the one to ask tech questions Barbara, I think it’s all buttons and switches but you should check with a professional

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