6 March

Portrait, Robin And Sandy. She’s Coming In Two Weeks

by Jon Katz

There is something iconic, perhaps timeless, in the photos Emma takes of Robin, my granddaughter, and Sandy, her rescue dog (photo by Emma Span).

From the first, Sandy was Robin’s dog, the two fit together like words in a crossword puzzle. Sandy considers Robin her responsibility, and she follows her everywhere.

Robin is visiting on Friday with Emma and possibly Jay, my son-in-law if he can get clear of his work.

I’ve got painting supplies for Robin (I hope we can paint something together, and today I’m picking up some graphic novels for my precious granddaughter, who is already deep into reading books as her mother was at that age.

Robin is six.

I’m picking them up at the Albany train station. Hopefully, we will get a weekend off from snow and ice storms. I’m looking forward to the visit.

I think I can be a better grandfather at this age – she is six – than I was able to be before. We have a nice connection now, and Emma and I always talk like two college kids.

Although she won’t admit it, Maria is excellent with kids; they will have fun making some art together.

Robin loves watching the fish and feeding the hens.


    1. Joanne, please find something useful to do and stop sending obnoxious messages to strangers (or friends). Some people send messages that are meaningful and useful. Read those below if you don’t know how to do that. They are “pieces” to me, not that it’s your business. Think about it, or better still, go away. I should say you are correct in your correction, which was fixed on my blog. Your tone really sucks.

      1. That’s very on brand for Jon Katz–saying that words in crossword puzzles are “pieces” to him, which is patently ridiculous. God forbid that he ever admit that he made a mistake and mixed up crossword and jigsaw puzzles. And, of course, claiming that the error was fixed on his blog and then not actually making the effort to fix it is also part of his careless, sloppy brand. What an ass.

        1. Ellen, thanks for reading my blog so faithfully…not everyone would read a lying ass so loyally…You’d have to care about someone to do that and learn their “brand” – “Lying Ass” could work as a brand, an attention-getter, and it would really stand out.

  1. Hm… could be interesting to cut up a crossword puzzle into tiny blocks, fling them in the air, and then try to put them together just to step up the game. Fun! … And, what a touching and radiant and absolutely lovely portrait of a young lady and her wonderful dog companion. Thank you so much.

  2. 6 is magic; reading’s still a wonder; Make Way for Ducklings might be fun for March; EB White has left us lovely tales just right for your granddaughter. You will have other tales to enchant, I am certain.

  3. I loved your blog on meditation and I think it is wonderful that you are helping the residents of the Mansion. You are a kind, extrememy talented, good person. I’m sorry you are disturbed by the cruel comments from mean readers.
    I think the photo of Robin and Sandy is delightful. I know you will have a wonderful visit. Thank you for your photography and your appreciation of the stars and trees and flowers, and all your animals and the people in your life. I wept last night as I read about your wise but heartbreaking decision to say goodby to Orson.

  4. Thank you for sharing this captivating picture of Robin and Sandy. Their eyes reflect a mischievous delight and a passion for living life. I am glad they found each other. Wishing you a delightful visit with Robin this weekend. Grandchildren can touch our hearts and inspire us in ways no one else can. Have a very special time with Robin!!

  5. Robin has such a mature and intelligent face. I think I would probably enjoy conversing with her. I’ll bet she can hold her own on many topics.

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