6 March

Flower Sharing From Susan B

by Jon Katz

I got the loveliest note from someone I don’t know this afternoon, her name is Susan Bollock, and I wanted to share it with you. She deserves that and more.

I am not a photographer, but I now pay much closer attention to the beauty of all flowers. Your photos have been so powerful and inspired me.” – Susan Bollock.

Susan represents the best of social media and our ability to talk to each other. She is wrong about one thing; she is a photographer, and now officially a published photographer, and her flower photo is just as good as mine.

I am touched by the idea that my photos have inspired her. And my ego and I will admit I love getting compliments on my flower photos. They mean a lot to me.

The thing about photography that I love is that it is so democratic – you don’t need an agent, a gallery owner, a publisher, or a critic to buy a camera and take a photo.

These days all you need is a half-decent smartphone.

And thanks again, Susan; you are the best at social media. Keep on taking those photos; you’ve got the magic.


  1. Good grief. As much as I would like to comment on the crossword situation, you have already dealt with it in far classier measure than I would. I continue to learn from your writings, and thank you as always!

    1. Thanks, Ed, it should have said “words,” it does now, but I don’t do any kind of puzzles, and the only kind I really know are the puzzles at the Mansion, which are all in pieces. Still, it’s always astonishing that these people seem to have nothing to do other than scour Facebook for mistakes..I’m starting to really appreciate my mother who taught me never to correct people, especially in public…I’m grateful that I don’t do that..

  2. must have missed something…..but all puzzles have pieces….. whether they be words or otherwise. And this flower is stunning….is it a hibiscus? It lifted MY day, that’s for sure, and thank you! It’s color reminds me of orange sherbet
    Susan M

  3. Wow! I am thrilled. I am now a published photographer and the best of social media, all in the same day. I share Jon’s distaste for the nasty nit pickers and trolls. Which is why I seldom read any comments. When I saw the hibiscus begin to bloom, it was the first time I studied the beauty of each individual bloom, thanks to all the flowers I’ve been admiring on this blog.
    So, once again, thank you, Jon! It feels great to bask in my 15 minutes of fame.

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