27 February

Fate’s Bandage, On For A Record Full Day

by Jon Katz

Maria tried wrapping Fate’s bandage around her knee, which seemed to work for at least one day today.

Fate is a mastermind at removing applications and bandages; she has a sliced paw which we pulled a glass slive out of. She has removed a dozen bandages, but this one seems to stick. No cone (I’m not too fond of those cones)  has lasted on her head for more than five minutes; we no longer try.

She’s been confined to the house for three days now, and she is not happy. But the split is beginning to close, and we have a kind of surgical superglue I’ve sometimes used to seal and bind a healing or open wound. We’ll take a look tonight. The trick was to make the bandage rise up over the knee. That’s held the best.

Fate ran over a piece of glass at high speed; we got a sliver out of her paw; if it looks good tonight, we’ll try the glue. It has to be closed up before she gets back in. This is torture for her, but I am trying to tell her it’s an act of love.

I don’t think she wants to hear it. She just wants to get out and run around the sheep.


  1. If ever I’ve seen a look on a dog that says “TOTALLY pissed off” – this is it. The look on Fate’s face is hilarious!! 😂😂

  2. Three things: Thanks for sharing the “over the knee” part; I’ll remember that. Thanks for the “superglue” info. Finally, you totally had me when you wrote, “I think she’s beginning to get it.” Yeah. They are certainly able to comprehend that much of an order, esp when it’s delivered in “THAT” tone of voice. “Dogs are dogs” does not imply any kind of stupid.

  3. I love this picture! Fate is glaring at you, especially with her blue eye. I can just hear her saying: “Let me out of here!”

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