19 February

Two Donkeys And Menthol Cough Drops

by Jon Katz

The weather turned cold again today. I was only outside twice and still coughing for most of the day.

I think the cold will break tonight; it usually takes two or three days. I was going to have a tooth extracted tomorrow, but I’ll have to put it off; I don’t want to be coughing and sneezing into my dentist’s face.

As I get older, these colds last a bit longer; I’m still weak but already getting better. Tonight, I’ll sit by the fire with Maria and maybe dig up a good British mystery, track down Vera on Netflix; she’s my favorite detective on TV. The coughing is easing up a bit; I hope to get some good sleep tonight.

Maria and I spent much of the afternoon sitting and talking together. We don’t get to do that as often as we would like.

It is always sweet.

I did get out to check on Liam and the other animals and visit the donkeys. They were very preoccupied with eating, and it was cold and windy; I retreated into the house and made some tea. Maria took Fate and Zinnia out into the woods for a walk.

I’m sucking on menthol sugar free cough drops.

Zinnia found a bloody derr’s head and wanted to bring it home.

There were coyote tracks, and scat all over the place, said Maria. Reluctantly, Zinnia dropped her prize and left it on the ground.

Being sick is restful. I could do without the coughing, but I like having a chance to be in silence and getting a chance to think.

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