28 January

Re-Imaging A 40 Gallon Fish Task

by Jon Katz

We had some dread bacterial disease on our fish tank last week, the tank turned almost jet black, and we lost half of our fish or more, and all of the shrimp and snails. We cleaned the tank out, and as always, we took advantage of the opportunity to reimagine the tank and add some color to it. For the first time ever, I got some artificial plants with some color – we are sick of algae and cloudiness.

We put in some rocks and one or two artificial plants of the real color. We like it.  Color is beautiful and carefully considered.  The fish also have new tunnels to hide in and swim through. Tomorrow we plan to go to a nearby PetCo and get some more shrimp and snails. The tank is coming back to lie.

It is very calming to sit and watch the fish at times, and the colors make it even more appealing. We want the tank to be simple but add some beauty to the living room. We’re close.


  1. I love it! Fish tanks can be tricky, as I learned to my despair years ago. I think that the artificial plants are a good choice for the health of the tank and they add some lovely color.

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