My dogs have taught me many things; one of the most important is adapting. They are chameleon-like, moving from frantic racing around and sniffing to curling p and sleeping a minute later. Dogs are the most adaptable creatures in the world, and I love capturing them at peace and rest.
Dogs become what we need them to be, and that is the great secrete of their success.
It is inspiring for me. Squirrels and raccoons have never learned to adapt to us as dogs have, so they have to sleep outside, not in warm houses and on soft beds.
I enjoy seeing the varied patterns and bright colors throughout your farmhouse; from the bright walls, curtains, sofa quilt, book covers, plants, and the fish tank. Interesting objects and your wall art catch my eye. I especially like the Tree of Life tapestry hanging behind your fish tank.
I appreciate seeing where you work and live. For me, it enlivens your written words.