12 January

Something’s Afoot, Watson. In The Surgical Shoe For One More Month. Great Music Tonight, Streamed.

by Jon Katz

The good news is that my troublesome foot wound, which has been plaguing us for nearly two years, is just about healed. Dr. Daly was pleased.

The bad news is that she wants me to wear the surgical shoe for at least one more month, until I get my new $1,500 orthotic brace designed to keep my big toe from pressing against my boots and inflaming the ulcerated growth that can be so difficult for a person with diabetes. The wound

looks just about every day; the shoe has been working, and we have high hopes for the brace.

The surgical shoe makes it difficult for me to walk and causes pain in my back and leg. But Dr. Daly has done a fantastic job treating this wound; we are just about there. No more antibiotics are necessary, and no more heavy bandages. I’ll see her again in a few weeks. But my feet will always be flat and the toe will always need watching.

I whined and bitched about the shoes, but she smiled and said she’d see me in a few weeks. She pays no attention to whining or pleading, and I admit to admiring her for that. I don’t care for those things either. But I’m very serious about getting this foot to the point where I can retake my regular walks, with Maria and with myself.

I’m excited tonight to be live streaming a brilliant Canadian singer and songwriter, Julian Taylor, a Toronto-based entertainer – he is part Mohawk and part Caribbean.  He’ll be live on the Caffee Lena TV for $5. I listened to his music on Apple Music until well into the morning last night; I was very happy to see him live.

And I’ve got some more blogging and bloviating to do.


  1. Greetings Jon! I appreciate it when others share books that they found helpful and interesting, so I’m hoping you don’t mind if I share one with you. The book is called “Whole Body Barefoot” by Katy Bowman. She is a biomechanics specialist and what a revelation this book has been for me regarding feet and what they really need to function properly! Most modern footwear is not designed with proper foot motion and health in mind so she gives guidance on how to counteract that. If you decide to go further with the idea, there is a website called Anyasreviews.com that offers extremely thorough reviews on choosing shoes that are designed for more natural foot movement. It has been life-changing for me in my troublesome feet. Happy trails!

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