7 January

Photo Journal, Images Of My Life, Saturday, January 7, 2023. Pizza, Blue Sky, Music, Museums, Good Company

by Jon Katz

Another hopefully quiet weekend here. We had a wonderful dinner with two young friends last night; a stream of more youthful people has come to dinner the past couple of weeks, and we are both enjoying them very much. We talked for hours; they were different from us, but they had a lot to say, and the hours zipped past us. Dinner was wood-fired pizza.

Our social life is picking up, and as the pandemic fades, we invite more and more of our friends. I need to have young people in my life. They always teach me something and inspired me.


(The excellent food revolution continues in our town. I love taking nighttime pictures of the Shift Food wagon, which is open on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, outside the town brewery. 4-7 p.m. We got great wood-fired pizza and salads for our guests, Katie and Garedd. We hope to see a lot of these two. The pizza (and gourmet salads) are as good, delicate, flavorful, and healthy as I’ve ever had. Corey and Sarah have done a fantastic job; we are addicted to them.)

Tonight we are live-streaming famous songwriter Kate O’Donnell and her Right Hand Men from Cafe Lena TV in Saratoga Springs. Good music and new bright and young friends are brightening our winter and keeping us stimulated and thinking. Our piece starts at 7 p.m.

When I finish posting this, we’re heading to the Williams College Museum in Williamstown, Mass. (there’s a first-rate Mexican restaurant and a great used book store.) This is one of Maria’s favorite museums. I love photographing her at museums; she is never calmer or more at peace. I love going to museums with her.

(Sox And The Blue Amish Adirondack Chair)

If I get tired, I go to their beautiful library room and meditate or read. I want Maria to feel comfortable browsing and pondering. These images captured the start of the weekend. The museum is quiet, creative, and accessible. I’ll bring some pictures home. The Leica 2 is coming.


Zinnia comes along with me almost everywhere I go. She hops into the back seat (we have a dog cover) and waits patiently for me to gather my things. She is always waiting for me, quietly and eagerly.

More later.


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