5 January

Photo Journal, Thursday, January 5, 2023. The Return Of My Blue Sky, The Sun And Light.

by Jon Katz

People sometimes ask me why I occasionally run outside naked in the cold to take my early morning photos. This series of photos helps explain why. When the sun came up, the fields were full of beautiful mists, and as the sun rose, the mists quickly disappeared.

I just caught this one in time.

This morning, the sun and the mist put on a beautiful show, and I knew I had about five minutes to catch it before the sun dried up the fog, and the chilling beauty of the sunrise would be lost for the day.

I wear slip-on shoes and take Zinnia with me, as she is an appreciator of the morning sun. One day my Amish neighbors might get a jolt as they ride by, but so far, I’ve never been seen.

The sun was happy to pose for me, and its beauty warmed me. The two trees seemed to upon up their arms for the sun.


The feeder is a great continuum, a fixed point in a rapidly changing landscape.



The sun was on my side all of the way, one beautiful image after another.

Kim and Liam, waiting and watching.


The hills in the distance kept showing up and hiding as the sun, and the wind pushed the mist through our little valley.



Maria comes out in the sun to haul firewood into the house. My Willa Cather Woman.




The sun inside the farmhouse was also beautiful; I wish I could capture all of the reflections and hang them on the walls. The sun paints pictures all over our borders.


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