4 January

Minnie Time

by Jon Katz

Minnie is alone in the basement now (not quite alone, there are bats and mice down there). Every night, right after dinner, Maria goes into the basement and brings her up to sit with us while we read or watch TV. She curls up next to Maria, purrs happily, and goes to sleep. Bud stares at her, but so far, no trouble.

After a while, Maria or I will decide that it’s bedtime, and Minnie will go back downstairs to her heated cat house. Minnie (named after my grandmother)  seems happy to come see us and then happy to get back downstairs to her cat house.



    1. Still uncertain about it, she suffered greatly for a long time, and her freedom was curtailed…I’m not sure I would agree to do it again, if it were left to me. Minnie can’t speak up for herself or understand what is happening. It seems crxuel to me.

  1. Sometimes you just have to live with your decision. I know you well enough to know you’d never intentionally harm a pet. You did what you thought was best at the time I’m sure. You’ve had to make some tough decisions over the years & I respect them all. I’m sure you & Maria will make this kitty’s twilight years as comfortable as possible.
    God bless you all.

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