30 December

Tonight, Something New: We’re Live Streaming Music From A Famous Cafe Tonight

by Jon Katz

Maria and I love going out to hear live music, but that isn’t always easy in the country. There’s very good music in nearby Hoosick Falls,  and at our local Argyle brewery, but not all the time, and not always what we like.

Some of the best music in the area is performed in Saratoga Springs, especially at the famous Cafe Lena, ( Bob Dylan sang there) which is dedicated to keeping live and independent music alive. They host concerts almost nightly and draw some of the best musicians in the country.

All my doctors are in Saratoga Springs, a 40-minute drive from her. But it’s a haul late at night.

In the winter especially, it’s some work to get there and back in the dark and on icy roads.

Today, searching for music within reach, I went on the Cafe Lena site; I saw a group called Hold On Honey from Troy, N.Y. I’ve heard good things about the group and was about to buy tickets – Maria was excited to go also –  but I saw tickets were no longer available.

I was disappointed and a bit relieved at not having to drive to Saratoga tonight and get home late. We’re both tired. I saw a live-streaming option, downloaded the app, and signed up.

We’re set up to watch the concert live at 8 p.m. We love music and want to see it in person when we can, but this is a neat thing to know; it will enable us to bring a lot more live music into the house, the Cafe Lena has concerts every night.

I’m sure this is old news for urban music lovers and teenagers, but it’s new to me, and I’m excited about it, especially in the winter.

And I can eat some popcorn when I listen. And hold Maria’s hand.  I signed up for a year. It’s like going to the movies, the concert is two hours long. It cost $5. I imagine this was a pandemic idea, but it still seems like a good one.


  1. How wonderful! For sure one of the unexpected gifts of the pandemic – so much culture now available online. I’ve seen live plays, museum lectures, taken classes – literally a world of culture now available online, unhindered by distance, weather, or physical accessibility. Not the same as being there in person of course, but wonderful to be able to participate virtually as the next best thing. The concert sounds awesome!

  2. How wonderful you discovered the Caffe’s live stream. Tonight New Year’s Eve the stream is free and is 22 songs from concerts over the year. Quite a wonderful way to celebrate the evening. Welcome to the Caffe family Jon and Maria.

  3. I agree with Lori’s comment. One of the few good things that came from the covid pandemic is the growth of live-streaming. As an 81-year-old woman with a bad back (that makes sitting in a hard chair for long periods painful) and mobility issues, I am thrilled to be able to attend concerts via live-streaming. My community of Yellow Springs, Ohio, has a long-standing chamber music concert series that I used to attend without fail. It’s no longer feasible for me to sit in the hard-backed pews in the church where the concerts take place. Now there is a live-streaming option, a real boon to me. I can sit in a comfortable chair at home (in my pj’s) and get up and move around when necessary. Not to mention that I don’t have to stand in a long line to use the facilities at intermission! No, the sound is not as good and the experience isn’t as immersive as going to a live performance. But otherwise I would miss the concerts entirely, which would make me sad.

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