29 December

Photo Journal, Thursday, December 29. Learning What It Means To Ease Up, Lunch With A New Male Friend

by Jon Katz

Today my Blue Sky was waiting for me. The Blue Sky is always there, even when covered by clouds. I always look for it, waiting for me after every storm.

Maria and I are working on easing up this holiday week. We aren’t sure what this means. We get up, as usual, blog as usual, and I take some photos, and Maria plots her subsequent work.

We went to the movies Wednesday afternoon, which was a breakthrough.

Today, I’m having lunch with a new friend, Bob. We both joke that we are doing something men rarely do. I know Bob pretty well. I’m not worried.


I think we’re talking about a mindset, an attitude. More quiet, more reading, a shorter work day by an hour or so. So far, we feel mellow, rested, and connected.

The Mansion is shut down this week due to the flue epidemic, and Bishop Gibbons is closed. This makes life a little simpler.

Even Sue Silverstein is resting a bit.

(Hey, buster, got hay?)

I always suggest to Maria that we are more creative when we take deep breaths and settle. This week, she agrees.

I went out searching for my blue sky and was rewarded for it.


We bandaged Lulu’s abscess for the third and last time. She’s walking fine; the food is clean and as dry as possible. Lulu was sweet; I held her head, and Maria bandaged her food.


  1. In the top landscape, the tree silhouettes and little bench and vistas — the composition and elements and tones are just delightful. It really invites the eye and spirit to rest a while and take in the winter beauty.

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