24 December

The Blog Is Back Up. Farewell, Storm For The Ages

by Jon Katz

The blog was knocked out for 24 hours, but the cable was restored, and the power is back on, just in time for the coldest night in years.

It was a very wild and exciting ride, I’ll write about it tomorrow. I’m going to bed now, and so is Maria.

The first night without power was cozy and intimate, we and the dogs slept together.

It was a pretty wild few days, but we had a lovely Christmas Eve. I hope all of you did as well.. See you tomorrow. As the governor of New York said, this was a storm for the ages.

Merry Christmas.


  1. Merry Christmas Jon & Maria.
    Glad to hear that you are all safe from the storm and hopefully Jon you are feeling better from your stomach flu. Thanks for all your stories, videos, pictures and art. It is always a joy to visit your websites.
    Wishing you goodness and light in the New Year.

  2. This picture of the dogs in front of the fire is so tranquil and peaceful- They are all settled in for awhile

  3. Great photo. Makes me feel warmer and comfortable just looking at it. Glad you weathered the storm and doing better.

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