14 December

In The Cold, A Chance To Do Much Good. Getting Heating Oil To An Elderly Couple That Needs Some

by Jon Katz

I am called to do good. It gives me purpose and makes me happy. I had a big opportunity this week

I wrote on my blog the other day that I wanted to donate some heating oil to a couple I heard were cold and without money to fill up their oil tank. I didn’t ask for money, I set aside some of my own a while ago and was waiting for the cold weather, which is hitting our area now.

I often write that people are good, and I know this because I see evidence of it every day, including today.

These are not people you will see on your phones or TV arguing and talking mostly to one another.

It isn’t fashionable these days to talk about the poor or the helpless; that is considered being “woke,” and we should only trust people who are asleep.

This insanity – the new inverted morality –  has turned empathy and compassion for others on its ear. But I’m a believer and there are many good people behind me and with me.

This morning Betsy sent a check for $300 via Paypal to buy heating oil for this couple I know needs help. Yesterday, two other people offered donations of $100 apiece without being asked.

I called the heating oil company and sent these donations with a request that this money goes to the couple I had in mind and any other elderly people in distress that they were aware of.

The economy has pressured many people, especially older people, to live on fixed incomes.

I was told of an elderly farm couple who do not have enough money for the heating oil their old farmhouse needs and are too proud to ask. The heating oil company many of us uses knows who they are and will bring them some oil.

The couple I wrote about it will have a full tank by early afternoon. Some money will be scattered to different people, and I won’t know who. This week is very cold and a couple of big storms are headed our way.

Anyone can do this in their own hometown by calling a major heating oil company and asking if they know of people who don’t have the money to pay their heating oil bills. Those prices are very high this winter.

I surprise people sometimes by saying doing good is selfish. They always ask why.

It’s selfish because it makes me feel good. And the more good I do, the better I feel. This is road to happiness for me.

The couple I was thinking of has enough heating oil for new and the hard winter months. I don’t need any more donations. Many thinks to the good people who responded without being asked.

It is better to do good than to argue about what good is.


  1. Jon, this is wonderful. Many, many winters we did not have oil in cold Philadelphia. I remember wrapping ourselves in old carpets to go to sleep and of course, ice on the insides of the windows. But i love that bracing cold morning air. When i am in the pet food aisle of the market and i spot someone counting their pennies i always offer to buy the pet food.

    As Carolyn says, you are the spark, the impetus.

  2. Yes, no need for you to feel selfish, Jon. You are doing good because that is *who* you are. Feeling good about what you are accomplishing is a reward for you to treasure and feel proud of, nothing selfish about this that I can see!
    Susan M

  3. Selfish gets a bad rap. I understand what you mean about feeling good when you’re able to help someone.
    And on the other end people need to receive in order to allow your good feelings. Both giving and receiving are needed.

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