13 December

Portrait Of Paryese, An Activity Director In Assisted Care

by Jon Katz

I love taking portraits of people; a good one will often reveal much more than a face or stance.

Parise Bates Becker is the new Activity Director at the Mansion. The first thing she did (often with her own hands) was re-imagine the activity room and turn it into a buzzing hive of activity that runs for most of the day without rest.

She does a hundred different things in a day, from organizing holiday celebrations to making sure everyone has warm socks and all the creative tools they need.

It’s challenging work, exhausting, and often frustrating. Parise has brought the activity room to life. This morning, when I showed up for my meditation class, she was blowing up balloons, and the residents were laughing, dancing, and kicking the balloons around the room.

She has put me to work getting her the art supplies, canvases, brushes, and paint; the painting is going on all day there. The residents love being busy and love being challenged. I’m glad to be a part of it.

She has also invited me to get more involved with the residents in Memory Care, something I’m very eager to do. We work well together. Ever since I volunteered at the Mansion, I’ve been drawn to the mystery and emotion of memory loss.

The Army Of Good has responded to this by ensuring Paryese has everything she needs in the Mansion and memory care. Her assistant Kim and I also work quickly and comfortably with each other.

The pandemic kept me away from the Mansion for more than two years. It’s great to be back.

We are doing good work, from the Mitten Tree to painting canvases, brushes, paint, and crafts. We are providing the staff and residents with what they need to be engaged and stimulated, and I can’t thank you enough.

We’re back and smokin.’

I like this accidental portrait of Paryese very much. It says a lot.


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