13 December

Color And Light, Through The Cold And Dark Days

by Jon Katz

We are into the cold and dark days, I’m so glad I took all of these flower pictures, and I thank you for the nice things you are saying about them. This is an easy way to do some good while also doing something I love.

I found another way; I’m donating $200 to a local heating oil company to help an elderly couple who are cold and rationing their heating oil. They’ll need some extra.


  1. So sad about the elderly couple –
    $100 on way tomorrow morning to help them with their oil bill –
    so many people in need –
    I love your flowers photos also – thank you for sharing them and all that you do!!

  2. Beautiful bellflowers, so graceful! Thanks for posting sunlight and flowers, it’s so good to see in these short dark days. My heart goes out to folks who are cold. I sent you a donation via Paypal to help out, it wouldn’t let me add a note.

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