11 December

Flo Died Last Night In Her Sleep, Minnie Alongside: “The Cat Wants Nothing More Than To Be A Cat…”

by Jon Katz

Flo died last night in her sleep inside her heated cat bed. Zinnie was by her side, as she had been for some time.

We wrapped her body in cloth and took her outside to the garden next to Gus, our  Boston Terrier puppy who died too young several years ago.

Maria and I have an almost wordless procedure we follow when a dog or cat dies. We’ve done this many times.

She digs the grave, and I fill it in when our ceremony ends. We each thanked Flo for discovering us after our first barn cat, Mother, vanished soon after we moved to the new farm.

Maria found the right poem and the right things to place in the grave.

We each had our own words to say.

I thanked Flo for being the first cat to bring me into the mysterious and sometimes wild world of cats, especially barn cats. Flo was a wild cat from beginning to end.

She gave some of herself to us but kept most of it for herself.

In the end, she was independent as always; she wanted to be left alone to die in her own time and place.

She got the death she wanted and deserved. I said goodbye on Saturday; after that, she didn’t want company, fuss, or hugging. Maria says that is how cats die..

Her instincts remained strong.

Monday was the day we had decided would end it; we were going to call the vet.

People keep telling me that animals grieve for one another and people, but I’ve yet to see it for myself.

Minnie is fine, eating heartily, moving freely, and looking for attention. Nature gives, nature takes, and nature moves on.

I thought it symbolic that the sheep and the donkeys were devouring their hay just a few feet from where we were burying Flo.

Animals notice death and move on quickly.  They have taught me to do the same.

Life and death are major crops of almost any farm.

There is nothing much that is new for me to say, so I chose to share the small goodbye ceremony with her many admirers and followers in photos instead.

I know my animals are not mine only; thanks for appreciating Flo.

Maria found Flo’s body in the basement early Sunday Morning, and we both got up to bury her quickly. We find that’s the best thing for us to do when a beloved pet dies.

Some get cremated, and some get buried unless the ground is already too hard.

We just made the deadline.




We put dried Hydrangea buds, three hawk feathers found in the woods, and some sage in the grave. Then I shoveled the dirt in over it. We put two boulders over the grave to ensure it isn’t disturbed.


Maria read from Neruda’s poem “Ode to the cat” from his book “Odes To Common Things.”

This is from the excerpt she read:

“Engineers want to be poets,

flies emulate swallows,

and poets try hard to act like flies.

But the cat wants nothing more than

to be a cat.”

Flow wanted nothing more than to be a cat and was faithful to her calling to the very end.

Chapters end chapters begin.


Godspeed, Flo. Thank you.


  1. Every cat is different. I adopted a small kitten that a neighbor begged me to take care of. She was born with spina bifida. She dragged her hind legs. She was only supposed to live 2-3 years. We loved her so much. She miraculously lived to be 19 years old. The vets called her the “miracle kitty”. She died in my arms. I miss her so much.

  2. she had a perfect end………I’m very sorry for your loss of her, but glad she is at rest now. I will lift my glass to Flo tonight, for being a true cat…….and a much loved one, at that. We should all be so fortunate.
    Susan M

  3. Jon and Maria, I’m sorry to hear of Flo’s passing. It is never easy to see them go, but sharing her time on Earth was a blessing for you and for Flo.

    In honor of Flo, a favorite cat quote: “As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat.” – ELLEN PERRY BERKELEY

  4. Beautiful goodbye for Flo. Sorry to see her go and sorry for your loss. I followed her for years along with Minnie. Glad she slept away peacefully. Thankfully the storm held off.

  5. Yes, I feel the same way you do. 5 years ago this coming January 2nd we had to put our Snuggles down, kidney failure. We miss him but life must go on. Fond memories…..

  6. Jon, Flo was yours and Maria’s, but a little piece of her belonged to so many of us as well. I admit to shedding a tear when I read your post. She lived and died on her own terms. In that she was so lucky. And she was a smart kitty to have adopted you and Maria.
    Godspeed dear Flo….

  7. I’ve never been a “cat person” but I loved your Flo and Minnie. What a beautiful ending. Thanks for sharing it with us. Hugs and prayers for Minnie to have more healthy, happy years.

  8. What a lovely and fitting tribute to your wild but loving Flo. A touching farewell to one who opened your heart to her and said hello to you every day. A beautiful ritual. Thank you for sharing your words and photos with all of us.

  9. Thank you for telling us about Flo, and about the lovely ceremony.

    I’m thinking of you, Jon, seeing that Flo led you to to a state of cat appreciation. And Flo, a barn cat by trade and inclination, being led to an appreciation of a warm winter basement and a secluded back porch chair in warmer weather. What better occasion for a poem about a cat? So here’s this Irish poem from the 9th century, found in an Austrian monastery, about a writer monk and his cat, according to interestingliterature dot com, “10 Classic Poems About Cats Everyone Should Read.”

    So, not identical to your circumstances, but still, a cat and his writer companion. Seems appropriate. Here’s the link:


    Thanks to our pets for helping us be kinder and wiser.

  10. “Dogs have owners — cats have staff.” I’ve always heard this and find it to be true. When a cat loves you, you’ve received a blessing, indeed. So sorry that Flo has passed away, but you provided a great life for her and, importantly, let her be a cat.

  11. I admire cats but never was personally interested in cats, tho my friend is a cat lover and has shared her stories of her cats with me for years. I only recently began reading your stories about Flo and found myself drawn to her character and her life thru your stories. I am sorry for your loss and I will miss your stories about her. I will remember her as as the first cat that thru your stories I began to really care about. Thank you Flo and Jon

  12. Glad Flo was able to be in a warm bed with Minnie cat when she died . She had a good life with you. You and Maria, gave her a sweet goodbye. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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