4 December

A Beautiful New Shawl – Suzy Fatzinger Strikes Again! It’s Named “The Painted Shawl” It Looks Like A Painting

by Jon Katz

Sold! Thanks

Suzy Fatzinger sent a photo of a new shawl today. Maria promptly named it “The Painted Shawl” because Suzy blended the colors so beautifully that it looked almost like a painting. It’s up and for sale on her Etsy Page.

Suzy’s shawls don’t stick around for long.

This shawl, the sixth or seventh in the series, was made with black wool from our sheep Issachara, mohair, and llama wool. The cloak costs $160 plus $10 shipping. It is 19 1/2 x 63 inches.

All the shawls have sold quickly.

Maria and Suzy are good friends, and they work beautifully together and text like teenagers.

We first met Suzy when she and her family visited one of our Open Houses.  Maria fell in love with Suzy and her work.

If I can say so, they are unusual and beautiful and inexpensive for what they are. Maria and I both find them jaw-dropping.

Suzy and Maria insist that their work be available to ordinary humans.

They share a love for fiber art, animals, plants, and flowers. Online friendships can be tricky sometimes; this one just grows and grows.

From the first, Maria was dazzled by Suzy’s brilliant work. Suzy raises goats.

The shawl just went up on Maria’s Etsy page a few minutes ago; you can see it and purchase it right there.

Suppose you have any questions, e-mail maria at: maria@fullmoonfiberart.com Thanks. This is one of the happiest rituals that I have on the blog.



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