21 November

Foot Stuff. Back To The Surgical Boot, A Brace On The Horizon. My Willa Cather Girl. I’m Thankful Every Hour

by Jon Katz

Well, it’s not as peaceful a week as I planned. My foot is back in a surgical book, and I have been referred to a specialized doctor to build a brace for my left leg.

The problem I’ve been having with my foot these last few years is caused by the virtual collapse of my left foot, which has affected my big toe and caused continuous callouses that could turn into wounds or infections. I had some wounds but no infections.

I knew I had a problem with my left foot, which had gone beyond flat to collapsed. So off to see a specialist who can build a brace to keep the right side of my foot level and take the pressure off of my toe.

I thought we had successfully dealt with the foot problem, but life has its ideas. I have to stay off the foot for much of the day, but I’ll have time to get outside and take pictures. I went out with Maria to take some pictures, and it is COLD here.

It bothers me that I can’t do more to help her, at least for a while. But my podiatrist surgeon was clear about what I need to do, and I’m going to do it.

I work hard on radical acceptance. Life is not all one thing or another, and grace is how we handle the unexpected. Still, it does suck a bit. I don’t need to be a saint, which is good because I am not one.

Maria seems to shine with hard work, even in this cold. She is a blessing I count every hour. My Willa  Cather girl.


  1. Sorry Jon. That’s tough but you gotta do what you gotta do and by grace we get through. I have a bad back and without shots every 3 months I’m useless but now the shots aren’t working and once again surgery is in the works. Accepting is hard but complaining and being down is even harder. Hope all works out for you soon.

  2. In my opinion, a picture like this is only possible when the subject totally trusts the photographer. Great shor!

    1. Leslie, thanks, I think this is wise and true. The other side of if is that if the photographer takes close-ups of people he likes or lives, the photo comes out well.

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