20 November

Peace And Gratitude Week, Day Two: Started A Watercolor: “Bedlam Farm Ark.” Because I Am Stupid, I Am Free.

by Jon Katz

I’ve had this itch for weeks to start repainting some watercolors, and this afternoon, I took some time to take a shot at it. It was freezing and snowing, so I couldn’t paint outside, as I often did at the first Bedlam Farm.

It was calming and a great deal of fun.

I clipped some painting paper onto my music stand and painted sitting down, which I wouldn’t say I like doing. I haven’t tried watercolor for at least a decade, and I’m not sure why the itch has returned. I hope to take it outside tomorrow or later in the week.

I had this image in my head of an interpretation of a Bedlam Farm ark. I’m not sure where this will go, if anywhere. But I had fun doing it, and I’m surprised to say I like it. I especially love taking on things I know little about or lack training.

I’m a Beavis and Butthead person because I am stupid and free.

I had colors dancing around in my head and just tried to paint them. That’s the great thing about creativity. You never know until you try. And try again. And listen only to your own insides.

I’d like to finish it. I’m not interested in paying museums or art show to show my work because I want to be a real artist, so this may be the only watercolor of mine ever seen. I never showed the first watercolors to anyone, but I think creatives are morally obliged to come out and show their stuff.

So tonight, more Ukulele practice. And we’re visiting a friend for dinner.

I liked painting this; something free came up from the inside. I’ll try to flesh this out or start again. So far, our peaceful week is going swell. Tomorrow, a visit to the foot doctor. Nothing else planned for the week except Meditation Class at the Mansion. I won’t miss that. Maybe I’ll bring my watercolor.

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