6 November

Meet Moe, Who Joins Our Little Community. He’s A Lucky Kitten

by Jon Katz

There is a lucky newcomer to our community of friends and animal lovers. Our friend Anne, who is our oldest friend in Cambridge and is also an artist and a bookkeeper, and her partner Bob just adopted a kitten from Maine.

Anne, a lifelong cat lover, named the kitten Moe. He was eight weeks old when he arrived,  just in time to keep him from going feral. No chance of that; Moe is an affectionate hellion; it is love at first sight.


Anne invited Maria over to meet Moe, and there was no chance of Maria skipping a chance to meet a kitten.

I’ve lived with Maria for about 12 years now, and I never see her happier than when she met Moe and sat with him for an hour this morning, laughing, her face full of joy. He also had a good time, biting her fingers and zooming around the living room.


Anne is one of the most interesting and loving people I’ve met here; we first connected when she came to the farm at Bedlam Farm to help repair the garden. I don’t know how she somehow noticed I was in panic and confusion as my 35-year-old marriage disintegrated, and I had a breakdown.

I was in a lot of trouble.

Some people run away from trouble, some people rush to help. I was afraid of money issues – the divorce and my own incompetence had wiped me out –  and I was afraid of Anne, who can look pretty grim and is a truth-teller.

As it turns out she has the biggest heart of anyone I know.

I got an e-mail late at night wondering if I might need help.

The answer was yes a desperate yes, and Anne helped me save my hide and turn my life around. She is still helping me and has become a precious friend.

Maria and Moe will spend time together, at least for a while. She is crazy about kittens but doesn’t want one in the farmhouse. She’s afraid Bud would eat one.

Moe hit the jackpot with Anne, who loves cats and knows them, and provides them with a wonderful home. Cats in need have been finding Anne for years, they just pick her up on their radar.

I consider it my calling to capture loving and emotional moments in and around my life, and I was glad I brought my camera.


  1. Winter time is the best time to get a kitten. One about three or four months old. It could stay down in the cellar with the other two cats and that way you won’t have to worry about bud eating it.

  2. Maria is beaming with joy………….wonderful to see! Dear friend of mine just got 2 eight week old kittens this past week………she is both on cloud nine……and in a whirling dervish of kitten energy, that she hasn’t had in a long time……..but loving it all!
    Susan M

  3. they just pick her up on their radar. Thats what I’ve been saying to my husband for years. They just find me.

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