2 November

Wednesday Journal. Hell Is Hatred I’m Thinking

by Jon Katz

This morning, the calendar is pretty wide open.

I have my Blog Zoom Meeting at 10 a.m., and I plan to write this morning about my idea that Hell Is Hatred and that the people who hate will suffer, not because they are evil, but because they are broken.

And take some pictures with my monochrome.

Hatred is a kind of pandemic; it sweeps across a country like locusts sweep across farmland. Hating is like being in Hell.

I think there’s a lot of truth to that. I’ve never known a person who hates to be happy.

I’ll get to that later in the morning. I’ve also asked Maria to take a video of my ukelele playing. I’m moving along slowly, but steadily.

Maria has belly dancing tonight; I usually read and write when she is gone. I had an interesting discussion on my blog comments today about people who correct my spelling or grammar without commenting on what I wrote.

I can’t quite imagine doing that to anyone else on a website, but between my problems and my Dyslexia, I never did learn grammar or numbers.

I wish I could say I regretted it, but I can’t. Obsession with grammar and spelling kills more writers than anything else I know.

Some people in the world love to correct the errors of strangers. Usually, I just fix the mistakes and don’t think much about them.

Every morning here these days, there is fog and mist. It’s curious but a beautiful way to start the day. Off to Zoom. More later.


  1. Hatred and vengeful thoughts will eat you alive and turn you into a most unpleasant person. I was quite angry for a long time and although not vengeful, I spent too much time trying to undo damage that was not undo-able. When I let it all go, it freed me to find happiness in a different way.

  2. My brother has a saying: “Heaven is here now.” This time is all we have. There is no guarantee of a future, although we can hope and plan for one, it is not guaranteed. There is no guarantee of an afterlife. The only choice to to appreciate the earth that we have now and do your best to appreciate every day. Even the sucky ones.

  3. Spelling and grammar are standardized to make reading and writing easier in many situations. But one can become excessively elitist (and wrong) about utsimportance. Schoolmarm teachers called it “correct” but that isn’t true as they’re are many variations in different Englishes.

    Is that all f0g in the background or did you fiddle with the settings?

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