31 October

Biddy, The Queen Of The Sheep. And Fate, Who Will Not Herd Her Or Come Too Close

by Jon Katz

Biddy is the queen of the Bedlam Farm sheep. There is no timidity in here; she takes no guff from anyone, looks me straight in the eye dares me to take her picture.

Behind her is Fate, our herding dog from a champion herding lin Wales, the only border collie I know who loves sheep too much to herd them. Fate is a great dog, a wonderful dog for Maria.

Biddy pays her no mind at all, and if the photo suggests that Fate is herding her, don’t be taken in. Fate keeps her distance from Biddy, whose very stare sends her scampering off.

No mere dog herds her or tells her what to do. Even the Great Red didn’t push her too far.

Fate is the Ferdinand of border collies; she loves to run around sheep and be with sheep; she’s just missing a few and the nasty part of prey drive and doesn’t get that she’s supposed to be in charge of them and push them around.

The breeder suggests that this is my fault, which could be so. Dog people, like baseball players, are doing great if they hit the ball 40 percent of the time.

She never liked that idea as a puppy, and I am glad I gave up on it. It would have driven her mad. At this point, Buddy would butt her across the pasture if she got fresh.

There couldn’t be a better dog-animal match than Maria and Fate; they march to the beat of their drums and love one another deeply and profoundly.

Where is Jack London when we need him?

Biddy would have none of that match dog collie stuff, and Fate is happy to walk behind her, keep out of her way, and look officious as if she is running the show.

I love the photo.  Talk about iconic.


    1. Absolutely, but she rarely does anything bad, she is quite polite and gentle, unless another sheep tries to grab her hay.

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