21 October

Photo Journal, October 21, 2022: THe FIrst Hard Frost Of The Year In Pictures. Everything Changes

by Jon Katz

The first hard frost struck overnight, killing most, but not all, of the garden flowers and prompting us to start feeling our good and fresh hay to the donkeys and the sheep.

Of course, I went out early with Maria to check out the animals and the change in our gardens and pastures. The animals prefer grass to hay but our hat is fresh and good and they are eager for it right now.

The grass has shut down for the season.

The frost made some of the Zinnia’s even more beautiful.



The Marigolds were governed in frost, but I think they’ll hang on for a while.



This is the last of the Zinnia. I’m pulling them up this weekend. More next year.


The donkeys moved into their winter sun positions, turning their sides to the sun to soak up the heat. They’ll stand like that for hours in the winter.


I think the Begonias have finally given up the ghost.

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