20 October

Photo Journal, Thursday, October 20, 2002. October Light Is Photographer’s Light. Come And See

by Jon Katz

I’ve always been told that October light is the photographer’s light, and I see what they mean. The flowers and the leaves have taken me to new places in my art, and October light is taking me higher. I will be home writing in the morning and talking to Dog Support people later in the day.

I’ve been warned to refuse checks and only take payments via Paypal or Venmo in advance, but I’m not ready to do that.

I trust the people who ask me for help, and until proven otherwise, I’ll stick to the plan. People can pay by Paypal, Venmo, or check, but payments need to be made in advance unless there is an emergency.

I’ve also been warned by people who know me well that I do not have a business head and need to set firm boundaries on this project. It involves keeping records, paying taxes, and paying attention to details. To do that, I need to install boundaries and stick with them.

I’ll never be fully at ease with business rules; much of my life has been fighting that idea. My idea is to experiment for a month or so and see what happens, and then I can do what I need to do. I’m enjoying this new project very much.

On to October Light:

The wind was intense, and the Imperious Hens took shelter under a lilac bush. They snuggled up in there and seemed at ease. I love the way chickens hunker down in bad weather.

Seconds after sunrise, the front lawn on  Bedlam Farm.

October light through the Southern window of the barn.

Flowers go radiant in October Light. I always look to see where the sunlight is, and I get to the other side.

I am exploring the idea of soft art, a partial response to the literalness of digital photography, which tends to take the soft out of images, if I’m not paying attention. The Leica 2 knows how to do soft light.


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