19 October

Photo Journal, Wednesday, October 9, 2022.I Call It Soft Art, Something New For Me And My Leica 2. Come And See

by Jon Katz

I call it soft art, a soft photo with abstract color that turns out to be an excellent feature of my Leica 2, especially in low or soft light. I have never had a camera to take a photo like this, which is new and exciting to me.

I keep discovering new ways to use it.

It opens up all possibilities for the harsh winter that will soon be here.

I haven’t seen many leaf photos like this; they very much appeal to me, in much the same way the flower photos have and do. They are calm and dreamy and, well…soft.


Some of the flowers in my garden are succumbing to the cold; the mums are just beginning to open up. I love following this yellow birth; each day is brighter and more prominent than before. I wouldn’t call this a soft photo, but I love watching them give birth.


      1. It’a lovely but I think I speak for both of us in saying we like to keep our work and art separate from the other. We are close, but there is such a thing as TOO close Thanks for the sweet idea.

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