17 October

Zooming On Wednesday, October 18th, EDT 10 A.M.

by Jon Katz

Wednesday morning, October 19th,  I’ll be hosting the sixth Zoom Meeting at 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. I’ll admit people at 9:50 a.m.; the session will last 45 minutes to an hour.

Here is the link you need to click on to join the meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 878 2286 2552
Passcode: 712821

The meetings have been a great success; I’m sorry more people can’t get on. We are growing the roots of humanity and community there.

It’s a safe zone, no politics, no arguing, no cruelty or hostility. Just nice and thoughtful people talking to one another and listening. Come by if you can.

This is an experiment to see if the Internet can be a more civil and humane place. So far, so good.

The group is small in order to work, between six and eight people. Shortly after ten, I lock the meeting down. The content remains confidential, with no details, no video or recording.

It is a safe zone.

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