14 October

Dog Support: How The Idea Is Shaping Up

by Jon Katz

My Dog Support idea is taking shape slowly and cautiously. As I moved through life’s stages, I learned some important lessons.

  1. Never act out of panic. Fear is the birthplace of bad decisions.
  2. Never act out of impulse, especially if you are impulsive like me.
  3. Never work or decide out of ego or self-importance. I am often wrong, but once in a while make a good decision. I am never as important as I sometimes think I am.
  4. Could you keep it simple? Technology and software are not always the best way to go.

As many of you know, I’m considering offering Dog Support to people who might benefit from my experience and advice. And I want to get paid for it.

On the three radio dog shows I’ve been on, people often called me seeking advice about some of the many issues that occur in our lives with dogs. I found I could be helpful, and I found I enjoyed doing it.

I also found I was not getting paid for my work. I was giving away what I knew for free. And I’m not rich enough to do that.

But helping people with dog issues lit me up.

Often people would call back and tell me how they were doing, and I was pleased that so many of my ideas – not all – worked.

I don’t have a radio show now or new books about dogs, but I like the idea of sharing what I have learned with people who need some help, and I like the idea of being paid for it modestly and thoughtfully.

I also watch the news; the price of everything I buy is rising too.

But money should not be the primary reason for doing things; that makes me an enslaved person, not a creative.

When I first broached the idea, I had a whole system in mind –   making reservations and appointments online on Zoom, getting paid online, and getting paid for my work online, figuring out fees, something I am just learning to do. My books, radio shows, and blogs have always given free dog advice. (People did pay for the books.)

I’ll still do that, but needs and issues are individual; one-on-one sessions are the best way to teach and learn.

There was a response to this new proposal, but it was smaller than I expected. There was no tidal wave of interest as I had fantasized about. Nobody was taking out ads to push my Master Class online. TikTok’s algorithms would not make me an overnight sensation.

I quickly learned that I was violating some and all of my essential lessons. But I’m not the least discouraged, the need is there, and my expertise is there. The two have to find a way to meet.

It’s rot just about money. I’m no saint, but I do need to pay my bills.

Besides money, it’s about helping people by sharing what I have learned in my lengthening life. And I’m not as important as those influencers on TikTok or Instagram.

Thousands of people are not waiting to soak up my dog’s wisdom for $50 a half hour, at least not yet.

I was also getting too complicated and overthinking, as usual; lots of people don’t like to talk on Zoom. I think my system was intimidating.

So I needed to simply. That’s what a trial is about.

I said we could talk on the phone; I said I would stick with people who had long-lasting problems at no extra charge. I said there was only one fee – a $50 period for a half hour.

I immediately got more responses. Everybody with a dog has at least one problem or a question about a dog. I know this is a good idea.

One person wants to know how she can train her dog to be a therapy dog. Another family wants help deciding what rescue dog to adopt; they have three small children in the house.

Another older couple just lost their Springer Spaniel and were grieving intensely. They wanted some help.

I see this idea can work; it will take some time to build up. But I think I’m beginning to get it right.

That is the delusion and impulse part. Just because I want to do something doesn’t mean it can happen overnight. I need to be patient, thoughtful, flexible, and humble.

I’m talking to my first client this weekend, officially launching this plan. I was considering all kinds of new software, but now I am considering an old type of software – me.

If you want to talk to me about any issue relating to a dog, from beginning to end, e-mail me. [email protected]

I want to help. We’ll work something out.

I’ve learned a lot, and before I go away for good in a few years, I want to pass along what I have learned.

That sounds better, and it feels better, and I’m still charging $50 per half hour.

I need to get paid for my work. That’s another lesson I’ve earned. [email protected]. Dog Support.



  1. Totally agree with you. Maria loves making art, but no artist should give away their work for free. Nor should you. Good luck in this new endeavor!

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