13 October

Photo Journal, October 13, 2022. Beautiful Morning. A New And Simpler Idea For Dog Support.

by Jon Katz

The forecast says this will become a gloomy, rainy, and cloudy day.

But this morning was glorious, beautiful, and sunny, at least until 11 a.m. Lately, we are going to bed early and getting up early. So we can get to work before. I see my foot specialist at 1:15. Otherwise, I am free to work and take some nice pictures of the early light.

This morning, I sat with the donkeys for half an hour; they were in a sweet and loving mood; I took some photos of their eyes; I’ll post “Donkeys Eyes” later. Their eyes are deep and beautiful.

I’m getting good feedback on my proposal to get paid for giving dog and other consulting advice and using my experience. People seemed to like my idea of getting paid for support but didn’t like the idea of doing it via Zoom so much.

My feeling is that I also need to simplify it.

(One woman wrote to say I was seriously undercharging, which was a surprise. She said people would be more impressed if I charged $200 for a consultation.) I don’t think so.

The fee will be $50 for a half hour. I’m ambitious about my blog but not greedy.

I do want to simplify things. I want to call this Dog Support, and rather than do it on Zoom, how about the phone? I’m good on the phone. I like using it to communicate.

For Dog Support – help with getting and training dogs, etc. – all you have to do is e-mail me at [email protected] – and I’ll respond to make time in the afternoon or early evening (I write in the mornings and evenings). I’ll give you a number to call, and we can do it that way.

How does that sound? I don’t know if this will work out or not; my instincts say it should.

This and the following week are my trial weeks, and I want to see how it goes. The charge remains $50 per half hour.


  1. Maybe mix a regular call with Zoom or FaceTime (as a second interaction) for those who prefer a call to start? Or have them send you a video? I’d bet it would help you to see the dog in question in its own environment.
    Hoping this works out well for you, the owners, and their dogs!

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