11 October

Three Ways To Fly With A Heron: Posters, Post Cards, Magnets, Now On Sale From Maria

by Jon Katz

Maria’s wonderful fiber painting of a Heron was one of the most popular things she has ever done; it struck a deep chord everywhere. Today, she offers three different ways to fly with a Heron for people who grasp its potent symbolism.

One is a Heron poster, which costs $30 with free shipping. The post is 11 by 17 inches.


The poster

The second is a postcard. 4 x 6 inches, a pack of six for $12

The third is a magnet, 100 of which have already been sold. The magnet is 2 x 4 inches and $7 with free shipping.


(The magnet)

The Heron that inspired all these lives behind the farm and has a nest around the pond.

One of her offspring flies around the farm now, and Maria has been enchanted with them for months.

Herons seem to have a lot of mystical mojos. Something is enchanting about seeing them fly.

Something about the Heron has a powerful meaning for creative people, taking risks in their lives and guarding their individuality.

The Herson does not stand for security but for those who are willing to be daring.



(The postcard)

These three ways of connecting to Heron mythology are available on Maria’s Etsy Studio.  Thanks. Her blog is fullmoonfiberart.com and her e-mail is [email protected].

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