11 October

Fog Today. Also Preparing A Three Person Trial For Paid Dog Advice On Zoom. I’ll Be Charging $50 Per Half Hour.

by Jon Katz

Today, I’m going to launch the first trial leg of my plans to offer counseling and advice on four topics I’ve had the most experience with: dogs, writing, blogging, and spirituality (and, soon, photography). This is an experiment.

I’m going up to three appointments via Zoom this week and next to talk about dogs – how to get one, what to think about, and how to train them when they come.

I can talk about crates and how to use them, acclimation, children and safety,  positive reinforcement training, what I’ve learned about foods, breeds, common mistakes, thoughtful rescue, and finding a good breeder and what to ask them. I’ve also written extensively (including a book) on how to prepare for the death of an animal and how to cope with grieving.

I’ve researched and written books on all of those topics.

I don’t have the software set up yet to simplify the scheduling and payment process – that is coming.

So for the trial:

I’ll ask people who want to buy some time to e-mail me, and we’ll set up a Zoom time. Payment will come via Paypal or Venmo (I’ll offer the details later today), and then I’ll send a link to the Zoom meeting once I’m paid.

The trial is for me to move cautiously and thoughtfully, and slowly. I want to see how it feels and works.

When the software is set up in a few weeks, people can schedule an appointment and pay at the same time and in the same place.

I think I’ll still use Zoom for the meetings and conversations so we can see each other.

After a while, I’ll expand the range of things if that seems appropriate.



The advantage of being older is that I have a lot of experience, and I’m happy to share it and be paid for my time. I decided I was worth it. The fee will be a half hour will be $50. If I offer a longer time frame, I’ll post the fee at that time.

Andrew Koehler, the tech adviser who set up my weekly Zoom meetings (“Let’s Talk”), is working with me this afternoon to set up this trial.

If it feels right and there is a demand, I’ll move forward with the appointment inserts, which will be on the blog daily beneath each post. I’m also happy to discuss starting a blog, what makes a blog work, and what I’ve learned about seeking a spiritual life. People are also asking me what I’ve learned about photography over these past few years.

One caution: I’m not a vet or professional dog trainer or a substitute for either one.

I’ll be asking for e-mail requests for a meeting later today.

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