11 October

Flower Of The Day: Zoom Link For Tomorrow’s “Let’s Talk Hour…”

by Jon Katz

Our Zoom blog experiment is tomorrow, week 5, of the “Let’s Talk…” project. So far, it has been a great success—a weekly gathering for blog readers to talk and listen and ask questions or answer some. We are beginning to form a community; it is warm and uplifting, and valuable.

(Jon Katz is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 4160 8507
Passcode: 960419)

I admit the members each week from 9:50 to about 10:10 EDT Wednesday, October 12.)

Just click on the hyperlink above to ask for admission to the meeting. The passcode and ID are there if you need them.

Maria usually joins me on Zoom. There is no plan, no pre-planned topics, and we go where we go. It feels like good friends gathering for a cup of coffee more than anything else.

We don’t admit many people, but new ones appear almost weekly. It’s a safe zone, no arguments or nastiness.




  1. Hi Jon, I hope to join your Let’s Talk meeting soon. I love meeting new people, and I would love to meet you and the people who have been reading your blog, and put names to faces. I am dealing with a sick dog who is 13 years old and experiencing trembling and panting episodes. The episode lasted over an hour last night. I have taken her to a vet and tomorrow I am taking her back for a cardiac workup. Thank you for sharing your experience and expertise on dogs.

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