11 October

An Invitation To Join My Next Adventure, The First Experimental Dog Life Teaching: $50 For Thirty Minutes Face To Face On Zoom

by Jon Katz

I can only talk to one person at a time; this could be a transformative experiment. We will kick this off tomorrow.

Before  I spend a lot of money and energy inserting new software onto the blog, I want to make sure that getting paid for the advice and experience I can offer as an author who writes about dogs (and also as a blogger, writer, photographer, and spiritual seeker) is something I wish to do and am comfortable with.

Someone I trust told me I have a lot of experience to offer, and it was time I got paid for it. I like the idea. The blog is free and will remain that way; this would be a separate thing.

It would also be a welcome revenue stream as the blog becomes the focus of my creative and economic life.

Dogs have been an integral part of my life for nearly half a century, longer if you count childhood, from teaching them to herd sheep to training shattered rescue dogs and finding excellent and conscientious breeders. Anyone who tells you there is only one way to get a dog is not your friend. It is terrific to rescue a dog, adopt an old and abandoned one, or find the right breeder who will meet your dreams and needs.

There are many good ways to get a dog, but they require thought and research. The most important decision you will ever make about your dog come before you bring them home.

If you want to talk to me about any issues, concerns, or problems you are having about your dogs, new or old, I’m happy to help you for $50 for 30 minutes, my first tentative steps into these waters. My e-mail is [email protected].

Come along and have an adventure with me.

Dogs and dog love is a complicated matter these days; I believe I can often help. We need to love our dogs, but not LOVE our dogs if you know what I mean. There should be a social worker in every veterinary office in America.

I am not a vet or a professional dog trainer; I don’t diagnose dogs online to dictate what people should do.

We are all different and have different values. My purpose is to help you do what you want and what is suitable for you, not what I would do. I don’t believe in telling other people what to do; it makes me a freak online. I am happy to speak to a spouse, partner, or family. It is often helpful.

I am doing my rough experiment tomorrow at 5 p.m; if I choose to go ahead with this, I will farm out the building of the right software, which would permit people to sign up themselves right on the blog for available appointments and pay on the spot. I want to hold these meetings on Zoom, so we can get to know each other. I’m not clear on how this will all come together.

What I’m doing this week and next is scheduling five Zoom appointment spaces. If you want to sign me up, e-mail me at [email protected]. I’ll save the other e-mails in a new folder and get back to the people I can’t see this week. I’ll save the e-mails in the order that I get them.

I’m starting with dog talk.

I’ve written five best-selling books about dogs and hosted three radio call-in shows and am comfortable talking about how to choose a dog, bring one into the home, deal with excitable children, consider crates, make a sound rescue choice, find a good breeder, and deal with loss, grieving and the exploding cost of veterinary care.

Down the road, I might expand my subjects. I often am asked to talk about blogging, writing, and, increasingly, spirituality.

If you want to help me kick off this experiment and talk to me for a half hour about your dog, I will notify you of your acceptance, ask you to pay for the talk, and give you payment details. Once the time is set, I will send you a link for the Zoom meeting. It will always be at 5 p.m.

I will need to confirm each appointment before it is final. Please don’t send any money unless I accept your request via e-mail.

I’m only taking on one person or family for tomorrow, Wednesday 12th, at 5 p.m. And one more session this week on Friday, October 14th, also at 5 p.m. I’m scheduling three appointments for next week; I’ll post those next week. [email protected].

I’m looking forward to meeting you.


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