6 October

Love In The Mist. Prey Animals Get Nervous In Fog

by Jon Katz

Even though the donkeys guard the sheep, both donkeys and sheep are prey animals; they are always vigilant and stay close together, always scanning the horizon and the woods.

Fog and heavy mist make them nervous because they can’t see far away and ensure no predators are around. Donkeys always have an escape route in their heads.

I’ve noticed over the years that they need attention and reassurance (especially the donkeys) when the fog is heavy.

I saw this vividly this morning when Maria went out into the mist, and the donkeys stuck close to her and needed some attention. They’ve got the right human.




  1. I think the donkeys have a lot of trust in Maria and know she will never harm them and much affection too.

  2. This soft black and white works well in foggy landscapes.

    Individual items up close need more contrast which you’ll see when you get over your npd.

    1. I like my npd Beitta; when I need to change it, I won’t be looking for help from strangers online…I have some of the best teachers anywhere.

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