5 October

Making Their Own Jewelry Thanks To You…Good Deeds Will Be Rewarded. I Love The Smile On Hser Nay’s Face

by Jon Katz

Hser Nay sorted through the broken, abandoned, or forgotten jewelry that people are sending Bishop Gibbons and Sue Silverstein’s art program; this donated jewelry is flying onto the students and out of the school almost as quickly as it is arriving.

Sue says it’s like Christmas at the school as boxes of discarded jewelry come from everywhere. I am often shocked to realize how wide the blog’s reach is. And  I’m ever grateful for that.

You are doing more good than you can imagine, or I can keep up with and describe.

Here’s some of the latest jewelry from Illinois, Maryland, Florida, California, Michigan, Tennessee, New Jersey, and New York City and State.

I am told more are on the way from Hawaii and even London.

Above, Hser Nay, a refugee student from Bishop Maginn, has joined the flock of students making their jewelry. I love to see that look on her face.

This afternoon, Monica showed up at the school and dropped off trays of beads, buttons, and old jewelry for the jewelry program. (below) This is the real America; these are the true patriots.

We are all about giving and welcoming. Below is the first photo of Monica’s donation, the others came from different places:



Photos by Sue Silverstein


  1. It felt so good to do something worthwhile with all the old jewelry and stuff that just seems to collect over the years! It makes my heart happy that it will be repurposed and enjoyed. I have more beads and such to pack up and send! Thanks for showing us ways that we can help others, Jon!

  2. Thanks to Sue Silverstein for the photo of jewelry, tools, and gift bags I sent to Bishop Gibbons (2nd photo). I am so happy it arrived!

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