5 October

Free Photo Wednesday October Light Afternoon (Seven Photo) Free Art Show. Nothing to Pay, No Posters, Flyers, Price Lists, No Photos Of Me, No Crepes To Eat

by Jon Katz

I’m thrilled to present a second free art shot (seven flowers this time, the others didn’t cut); I’ve left out the photo of me, the price lists, the flyers, the hummus, and crackers; I’ll pass on praising my fame and brilliance. Art is about the art, yes, not the artist. The sun came out in mid-afternoon, I came out with it.

Just the flowers, pure and open as the day they were born, well, almost. I know this is risky since fall is upon us, and I will feel self-imposed pressure to take photos that are as nice as this. And I won’t have the flowers to hide behind. That’s a challenge if I ever heard one.

Several good and generous people have written me to say they know I will find a way to bring some of this sparer and very different beauty to my photographs. It won’t be as easy as this; there won’t be these soft and hypnotically beautiful colors.

But I am thinking about it and working on it, and I will do my best; challenges like this can spark failure or leaps of imagination. I’m in. Today was good all the way through. It began with a wonderful Zoom meeting; the word that keeps coming to mind is warm. The fifth Zoom will be next Wednesday 10.am



I’ve been putting myself out there all my life. I told my student friend Killian that the creative life demands a kind of lonely patience; creatives are often alone and broody.

I swim in silence tonight, Maria is at belly dance, and good is breaking out all over the place. Used jewelry and other recycled things are pouring into Bishop Gibbons and Sue Silverstein’s magical new art rooms, as are books for the English Department. Killian and I are exchanging texts like teenagers.

I want to go there and make some jewelry for myself and Maria, but Sue says I’m too old. Hmmm. Maybe I will try again; she’s in an excellent mood today.

Boxes of  ESL activity books are heading here from Alaska for the refugee students coming to Bishop Gibbons from Bishop Maginn. Our ready-for-winter Amason Wish List is going up soon. So is a Wish List for a special Mansion Christmas. I’m back in the world I love, free of summer heat and Covid and the aftermath. I’m happy to be me—there are aisles out to do.

So welcome to the second fall flower show. This is a show taken in October light as the sun began its direct slant. It’s the best time for photographers.




We’ve had some cold days but no hard frost yet. Many of my flowers are gone, but many are hanging on. The ones left – the Begonias, Marigolds,  Zinnias, etc. are as beautiful as ever. The mums are just starting to pop up.



Sue Silverstein told me I could come to the school and make some jewelry for Maria, perhaps even for me. My head is spinning. I think she’s got enough recycled jewelry; I wouldn’t be taking anything away from the students.



Thanks for my stopping in on this free virtual flower show. Please remember that my photographs are not watermarked or copyrighted; you are free to use them in any way you wish. This is my favorite kind of show. I’ll do it regularly.

This is one way to give something back to the good people who support me and my work. Thanks.


  1. I find these so mesmerizing…from fashion show to Follies. What opulence – even petticoats…Applause!

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