3 October

Next Zoom Meeting On Wednesday, October 5th

by Jon Katz

You are invited to our next Bedlam Farm Zoom Meeting. Just go to the following hyperlink:


(Meeting ID: 878 2286 2552  Passcode: 712821)

You can sign up for the meeting anytime.  I’ll start admitting people to Zoom at 9:50 a.m. Eastern Time this coming Wednesday, October 5. I’ll be acknowledging between six and eight people; the meeting – I’m calling it “Let’s Talk” – is an effort to bring online community building to my blog readers.

I want to talk with my readers face-to-face and listen to them, and I am learning that many of you want the same thing. This is a safe zone, open and informal. Peckerheads and trolls are not permitted.

Too much is sometimes lost in translation using only blog posts and e-mail. I get a lot of e-mails and rarely have the time to answer it as thoroughly or thoughtfully as I might wish. And digital communications are open to misunderstanding and miscalculation.

Over time, I can experiment with the time of the Zoon and the size, but for now, I just want to figure out how to do it well. All you need to do is click on that link; the ID and passcode are there if you need it.

The Zoom is a great success; I see it as one of the best ideas I’ve had for interacting with the blogging community. A couple of ukelele players are coming onto the Zoom; once I learn to play mine, perhaps we can have a concern for everyone on YouTube.


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