27 September

Book Tip: Elizabeth Strout’s Wonderful Lucy Barton Character Is Here Again

by Jon Katz

First of all, thanks to the many of you who have written me saying you appreciate the book alerts, tips, and reviews. I enjoy doing them.

Most people don’t know that I was a critic as well as a reporter during my journey through a media that no longer really exists.

It’s in my blood. I love reviewing movies and books.

I saw the very excellent writer Elizabeth Strout’s new book “Lucy By The Sea” in my local bookstore yesterday, and I scooped it up.

I got it for Maria. The Lucy Barton books (this is the second,  are among her favorite books, and I can’t recall her ever being more excited about a book when I brought this one home.

I have read several of her books (she wrote Olive Kitteredge,) one of my favorite books and characters, and recently, one of her Lucy Barton books. I haven’t read the new one.

The others are My Name is Lucky Barton, Anything Is Possible, and Oh William!)

“My Name Is Lucy Barton” was her first Lucy Barton book; it is the story of a writer reckoning with her harrowing family life and struggling to accept and justify the cost and rewards of her passion for writing.

Her new book continues Lucy’s story,” Lucy By The Sea,” is about a divorced couple who are together during the Covid lockdown and about the love, despair, and hope that keeps us doing even as the world seems to be coming unglued.

The book explores loneliness, difficulties communicating with the people closest to us,  inadequate parents, and a sometimes frightening world.

It’s also about love, hope, and creativity.

One of the brilliant threads is her sometimes wrenching writing is about mothers, daughters, and the pain and difficulty of family life.

I’ll read it as soon as Maria does, but I wouldn’t dare to try to pry it out of her hands  first. I’m comfortable saying it’s very likely to be another great book.

Strout has yet to publish a bad or mediocre one.


    1. It’s a nice idea, I think my blog is getting too big and complex right now, but it makes sense, and I would love to do it one day. Thanks for thinking of it.I’m afraid links like that cost a lot of money these days.

  1. Hi! I love Elizabeth Strout too! Lucy Barton appears in her book, Anything is Possible and Oh William. I didn’t want you to miss the updates to her life before you read the new one!

  2. I love Elizabeth Strout’s books! If you liked “Olive Kitteredge” then I think you would really like “Olive Again” which picks up Olive’s story later and has some wonderful musings and insights about growing old.

  3. I read the “Olive” books, and I think the first Lucy book. Saw a review of Lucy By the Sea one in today’s Times, and wanted it immediately! Glad to have a second recommendation.

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