27 September

Baskets From Sheets From The Magic Art Factory Of Bishop Gibbons. And Zoom Link For Tomorrow

by Jon Katz

One of the teachers at Bishop Gibbons e-mailed me the other day, saying Sue had done some amazing things with her newly expanded art program. Kids all over the school are talking about it.

Your used and saved things have turned into a river of fantastic art projects, from metal objects to sheets and books.

Every day, Sue e-mails me some beautiful things made from the things people in the Army of Good sent her from all over the country.

Today’s fantastic thing was one of several baskets made of sheets that people sent her in big boxes. The students can’t wait to bring the things they are taking home.

Maria and I are going to Bishop Gibbons on Thursday.

We’ve taken all of our tests, passed our clearances, watched all our videos, and gotten all our photo and other permissions in order.

I’m eager to match some of this beautiful work with the wonderful faces of the people who made it.

Sue is on a tear, and Maria has been asked to go to the school and help with sewing machines.

I will observe and write about Sue’s remarkable, innovative, and popular art program. I’ll also get to see most of the refugee kids from Bishop Maginn again. I missed them.

Tish White, the school’s English teacher, is out sick, but Killiam, the creative writing student I’m mentoring, will have some writing for me to read.

I’m bringing him the latest Stephen King novel; he wants to write horror stories.

Tomorrow morning, my third Zoom Meeting with my readers – is “Talk With Me.”

The link, password, and code are listed below. People can sign up anytime; they will need to be admitted starting at 9:50.

I should caution that only five to seven people can be accepted.

We want the meetings to be small, intimate, and in a setting where everyone gets a say. The sessions will be recorded or shown.

We are finding people who want to talk and listen, not fight, a safe spot in social media’s noisy, chaotic, and sometimes hostile world.

How to Join the Zoom Meeting. It’s easy; just click on this link and wait. I can’t admit anyone until just before 10 a.m.; the meeting runs from 10 a.m. to 10:45 or 11 a.m.


Meeting ID: 878 2286 2552
Passcode: 712821


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