26 September

Photo Journal, Monday, September 26, 2022. Three Images, Fate At Rest

by Jon Katz

My idea of photography has evolved. I often take a single photo because it catches my eye and touches me. Quite often – old barns, flowers, Fate sleeping, clouds – I’ll discover that this is a subject I should take more seriously and present as something more.

I feel that way about my “Fate At Rest” photos. Something beautiful and almost iconic about this explosive, always-in-motion dog resting in this beautiful and unique way. I don’t do photo shows (nobody buys expensive framed photos any longer) but if I did, this could be one of them.


I took these photos from 10 feet away using the Iphone Pro Max 13. To me, they captured how an active dog can call it quits for the day and just relax and sleep.

I love the idea of portraits of a dog at rest. This series seems remarkable to me. I’ll keep at it. Fate is a hyper dog, she races around all day, but when it’s dark out, she turns into a kind of painting.


Fate is constantly in motion, even in a deep sleep. Every time I look at her, I notice that she’s lying in a different position. She sleeps and dreams all the time.


  1. I think your photos capture Fate’s lack of fear, since she is secure in her pack, and can sleep deeply. It would be interesting to do a series of the other animals at rest or sleeping. I’m learning how to pick subjects from your choices. Clouds, flowers, dogs, cats, trees, people. I only have the iPhone 13 Pro, but find it helps build my confidence, and I think it’s enough for me for now. Thanks for sharing.

    1. That’s a good phone. My advice is to get close whenever you can. I put the phone down on the floor next to the dog bowls when they eat, they associate it with food now..

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