16 September

The Mansion Circus Is Underway: Tania Woodward Lands In The Top Twenty Face Of Horror Contest. Thanks, We Need To Keep It Going

by Jon Katz

Two pieces of good news. The Mansion Circus is underway (Maria and I are heading over shortly), and much loved Mansion Aide Tania Woodward soared into the top 20 Faces of Horror Contest, thanks to you great blog people who rushed to support her yesterday.

She’s gone up to the next round; the winner gets to be in a horror movie, one of Tania’s many passions. She is a wonderful and loving aide at the Mansion; the residents love her, and so do I. I voted for Tania every day and donated.

The votes are free, but she needs support to get to the next level. You can vote for her for free here, even small donations raise her vote count, but regular voting is critical. I love helping people make their dreams come true, and this is one of Tania’s dreams. I will vote for her daily; you can support her easily and without cost here.

And thanks so much for your support; it pushed her over the top. She’s in the finals. Being in a horror movie is not something I ache to do, but Tania is passionate about it. I hope she makes it. Tania is a beautiful mix of strangeness and love and has incredible energy, even for a parent with five children.


Tania’s support is critical for our work there. She tells me when people need shoes, socks, blankets, and toothpaste. She helps me haul the many boxes of things we bring into the Mansion. She responds instantly to calls for help, texts, and e-mails.

I am thrilled to support her in any way I can. She is a good friend and wonderful aide. Vote here.

The activities people at the Mansion have been planning today’s circus for weeks, and we have supported them through wish lists and purchases of supplies from cookies to decorations and masks.

I’m eager to see what is happening over there.

Claudia, June, Michael, and Peggy in the hats, costumes, and glasses we Boughton on our last Amazon Wish List. It is a heart-lifter to hear and see how much fun they are having.


  1. Just read the Face of Horror rules. I hope that your friend wins however people should know that only 25% of the net proceeds goes to the charity. This means that in reality it will probably be a lot less than 25% of what is donated. It’s hidden in the fine print so a bit scammy. She does have my free vote.

    1. Thanks, Laurie, I gave a donation, but I’ll do the free vote from now on. I’m not surprised, it’s a very commercial project,but she wants it badly. Thanks so much for voting for her; she said our efforts kept her in the running. We’ll see; I’ll keep at it. Thanks for the information.

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